Part I
I raised my hand before the sun,
obscuring its glorious light,
my perspective skewed by
the nearness of my flesh.
I dwell now thus, amid the thorns
of life, in my chair of pain,
blocking out the light again.
I raise now the thorns which
accentuate my darkened plight.
This seems no fitting end for
one who truly trusts the light.
Part II
Then raised the One who rent
the veil of flesh, who took
the thorns of life for all
in darkness dressed…
I now lay down my hand,
nearness of my flesh.
Its thorns which seem e’er
so small. None left to
veil His glory and His grace.
My perspective now
Through eye of spirit,
Not of nature’s face.
I see the Son, begotten
One, in His exalted place.